Finding The Right Web Design Company in Singapore

Finding the right web design company for your organization can be quite challenging. Just search for the phrase ‘Web Design Company in Singapore’ in search engines will bring back hundreds of options, but how do you make a choice?

You need to narrow down your choices. In this article we will be giving you a few tips on how to narrow down your search towards the most suitable web design company.

Know your web design requirements

Before you start hiring for a Singapore web design company, you need to first understand your web design requirements. You need to know what type of website you need. A web design company can create different kinds of website designs which include designs for:

Besides this, you need to set your goals, know about your target audience and the type of message which you wish to deliver through your website. If you have specific design requirements, which might be color combination or style, you need to clearly explain your requirements to the company representatives.

When hiring a web design company, you need to make your requirements for the website clear. Normally clients don't get the correct design because they are unsure of what they want and failed to deliver the design requirements accurately.

Find out what the web design companies are offering

Web design companies offer several services, catering to their large number of customers. Any reputable web design company will offer custom solutions which range from small business site designs to large business houses and enterprise-level projects. Most web design companies offer a gamut of common services – some of which are mentioned below.

Customized Mobile Friendly Website:

It’s the age of mobile and other portable devices! Reports suggest that more than 50% website queries these days are from mobile devices. Any web design companies should by now provide responsive website designs by default. This is achievable with the latest responsive website frameworks.

Graphic Web Design Services:

A picture is certainly worth a thousand words! Web design companies offer excellent graphic services which help in defining the services of businesses in the best possible way.

Corporate Web Design Services:

Corporates usually have a different set of requirements. A reliable web design company in Singapore will generally offer fully customized web designing, as per the inputs of the clients. Corporate web designs require special development that involves internal business requirements.

Landing Page Designing:

Companies understand that the right landing page design and components can help in conversion. Thus, with the right components, you can actually help in improving the performance of a website. Landing page designing is one of the most in demand services.

There are hundreds of other services offered by web design companies. Professional companies usually conduct a thorough study of designs and create a completely new design, compiling to various web technology standards.

After sales support

Many people complain that designers or a designing company are completely unreachable when a website is setup and running. Clients are just left groping in the dark and looking for ways to frantically get in touch with the company. When you are looking for a web design company, ensure that you have complete after sales support.

Ensure that the company offers 24/7 support because you never know when emergencies can arise. Try to find out about the customer support policy and how you can get in touch with them. Check out their customer support e-mail and contact number. You can also send them an e-mail and check how quickly they respond. Find out if your Singapore web design company has an emergency contact number or how they offer support in times of emergency.


Once you are sure about your budget, you need to consider the pricing structure of the company. Since different companies offer different kinds of non-packaged and packaged services, it might take time to evaluate the costs. You need to consider how much you can afford and if you need all the services available (especially, when choosing a package). You need to do your research well or you might end up paying for all services which you do not need.

It is a good practice to know about the pricing structure of different web design companies and compare the services on offer. It is always wise to accept a quotation that was breakdown into each component of the web design service.

Read more about how much does it really costs to do a website design in Singapore


Web design have evolved so much throughout the years. New Web technologies have emerged to cater to different web design requirements.

With so web design companies in Singapore, one should well informed of what to look out for when considering which web design company to hire.

Contact us to understand more about how we standout from other web design companies and what we have to offer in our customised web design package.